Four Phases of Womban
Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone
la Luna Devi

Four Phases of Womban -
Maiden, Mother, Queen & Crone


The female archetypes relate directly to the seasons we experience during the course of a menstrual cycle as well as during our lifetime. They hold the signature power of each stage and understanding what they mean to you personally allows you to integrate the full spectrum of these qualities into your feminine wisdom codes.

It is possible to tap into the energies of these four fundamental feminine archetypes throughout the course of your menstrual cycle in order to support your body through the different phases of the month. By bringing your love and intention to these archetypes when using these yoni steam blends you will build these qualities and energies within yourself. Having awareness of what each archetype represents and how it serves you at different times creates a flow of being throughout the month and the years of your life, allowing you to navigate from a place of divine feminine essence.

The four archetype blends are also a powerful tool to use post-menopause, or any time you wish to imbue and cultivate your embodied state with these different qualities, either physically or energetically.


Which Blend and When?

Whether you are menstruating or not, I encourage you to open yourself up to your own intuition around which archetype is calling to you most strongly. That might be the one that corresponds to your current stage in your cycle, the one that piques your interest most, or it might actually be one that feels blocked, unavailable or unappealing to you. This is an opportunity for you to explore your feminine landscape, so you can either work through them sequentially, or with specific energetics/symptoms in mind.

You can read the descriptions more in-depth on the individual archetype pages, but here is a guide to the Four Seasons of Womban.

Maiden / Spring

Qualities: Trust, innocence, wonder, purity, fertility, courage.

Physiology: Helpful for hormonal balance and muscle tone of the womb.

This blend is helpful at any stage of your life when you need to promote or restart healthy bleeding, for example if your flow has stalled or become scant and irregular. It can stimulate healthy expulsion of the womb lining, for example after miscarriage or a pregnancy termination (but not recommended if you are experiencing heavy bleeding as part of a normal cycle). The Borage is supportive of emotional stress around these times. The Maiden blend is also useful to soothe menstrual cramping, even if you have a normal level of bleeding.

Mother / Summer

Qualities: Nurturance, self care, soft power, abundance, love.

Physiology: Helpful for nervous system regulation, blood circulation and replenishment

The nettles and oats in this blend are excellent for replenishing and fortifying you at a time when you feel depleted, exhausted and lack vitality. It also supports the nervous system at times when you may feel overwhelmed by life.

Queen / Autumn

Qualities: Pleasure, wild sensuality, sovereignty, divine union.

Physiology: Helpful for nervous system regulation and libido.

This blend is recommended for promoting libido and opening the crown chakra, your celestial channel of sovereignty. Blue lotus combines with rose, damiana and passionflower as a potent mix to activate your shakti without depleting your energy.

Crone / Winter

Qualities: Wisdom, dreaming, ancestral lineage, shamanka

Physiology: Soothing mucous membranes, lymphatic and circulatory stimulation.

Ideal for women who are experiencing vaginal dryness and thinning of the membranes that can often lead to fragility and soreness. This blend is physically supportive for post-menopausal womanhood but also calls up the ephemeral qualities of eldership. Mugwort is a dreaming herb that helps us to connect with our intuitive insight and elder wisdom.

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